Business Mentors NZ

The reality experienced when a small business is operating is often quite different from the original expectations of its owners. Often people start a business because they have a technical or creative skill or an innovative idea, but may have little start-up knowledge or are without general management experience.

Getting bogged down with day to day issues can make you lose sight of your own dream. That’s where having the expertise and knowledge of a Business Mentor can help get those business ideas of the ground and running!

Business Mentors New Zealand is an independent not-for-profit organisation founded in 1991 by business people, for business people. Our organisation and its heavily subsidised service is made possible by support from New Zealand Business and Government Agencies.  Our national network of agencies is closely aligned with the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Regional Business Partnership Programme.

Business Mentors New Zealand is committed to helping small business owners, startup entrepreneurs and social enterprise decision-makers succeed.  Our mentoring service introduces small business owners and social enterprise executive officers to skilled Business Mentors who will assist them to advance their business capability, capacity and sustainability by sharing their knowledge and experience.

A small one-off registration fee of $295 + GST provides up to 12-months access to a Business Mentor.

For more information or to register for a mentor visit

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