Innovation means “ideas successfully applied” or “good ideas put to work”. It creates value by doing things differently. It occurs when a novel product or service attracts the support of customers or end users – replacing something that wasn’t as good or clearing the way to do something that was previously impossible.
NZ Chambers of Commerce Northland in partnership with Northland Inc and NorthTec want to recognise those people in Northland using innovation help the region achieve its economic potential.
If you have a great idea that could help Northland grasp economic opportunities or know someone or some business that has a great idea we would encourage you to nominate them to Innovate Northland, celebrating a great idea. Initiatives can include but are not limited to projects, programs, processes, services or systems.
For further information or to submit a nomination please contact .
Nominees will be contacted to confirm their willingness to participate and to receive further information on the evaluation process which has been developed to place as little time burden on the nominee as possible.
New to Market
This category recognises highly entrepreneurial individuals or companies who have developed have developed their innovation from an original concept and have some form of intellectual property (IP) protection or rapid route to market. The nominated individual or company need not have generated revenue from the innovation.
Business not as usual
This category recognises highly entrepreneurial individuals or companies operating in with Northland business community who have developed successful innovative products, processes or services that are able clearly demonstrate how the innovation has an economic, social or environmental benefit to Northland.
Adding value to primary industry
This category recognises highly entrepreneurial individuals or companies operating in with Northland business community who have developed successful innovative products, processes or services that add value to Northland’s primary production sector and are able clearly demonstrate how the innovation has an economic, social or environmental benefit to Northland.
Judging panel of three selected from supporter organisations NorthTec, Northland Inc and NZ Chambers of Commerce Northland will undertake a desktop study on nominated individuals or companies from information supplied in a brief profile supplied by nominee and information within the public realm. A short list of finalists will be collated and the finalists will be interviewed by the judging panel to evaluate the merit of their nomination.
Winners will be announced at a cocktail event to be held at NorthTec on Friday the 1 of August 2014.