Mobile: 0223519848
Email: kelly.mccallum@gmail.com
Address: 1955 Whangarei Heads Rd, Whangarei
Website: integrityinteractions.com
Integrity Interactions is a collaboration aimed at providing custom solutions as well as public workshops focused on leadership capability and personal growth and effectiveness. We are a group of experienced scholar-practitioners whose aim is to focus our research and experience on tackling some of the challenges faced in today’s environment. We help individuals and organisations to realise their full-potential; connecting awareness of self and impacts on others, exploring and enhancing emotional intelligence, developing productive strategies while minimising those that are defensive, one-on-one coaching and custom solutions tailored to addressing development areas. Our workshops are hands-on and highly interactive which allows individuals to explore how defensive strategies are holding back their effectiveness as leaders. They introduce key elements of understanding of self and impacts on others, emotional intelligence and productive communication strategies.