Mobile: 021 575739
Address: 16 Commerce Street, Whangarei
You want to know that your data is safe, secure and backed up. You want to know that professionals are there in the engine room making sure things are running smoothly without being in your face. You want a feature rich experience without a building full of hardware.
Tech Management Group are ICT integration specialists. Our unique hybrid cloud services deliver an unparalleled environment for your business. We use a carefully blended mixture of on-premise and cloud-based technology to provide a robust, stable, and cost effective service. We deliver managed solutions that improve productivity and ensure that your business is as mobile as you are.
Our systems are scalable, so our customers only pay for what they use – but we have a huge pool of resources to ensure that the service you get is exceptional. We use some of the most trusted names on the planet, companies like VMWARE and HP, offering the ultimate building blocks to create a system stronger than its parts.