Mobile: 021821567
Address: 8 Mason Street, Whangarei
Business owners often start their business with a vision of what their business will allow them to achieve in their personal lives. The day-to-day realities of running their business take over and they lose track of how their business should be aligned with achieving their personal vision of success.
If you are a business owner, ask yourself the following questions:
– Are you ready to take your business to an entirely new level?
– Who’s in control – you or your business?
– How are you at balancing your business and personal lives?
– Where do you turn to for the truth about your business?
I own and operate The Alternative Board® (TAB) in NORTHLAND. TAB helps forward-thinking business owners increase profitability and improve their lives by leveraging local business advisory boards, private business coaching and proprietary strategic services.
If you’d like to learn more about our invitation-only membership model and how it may be able to help you with your business, let’s connect and explore if TAB might be a fit for you.
How does it Work?
What do a manufacturer, builder and software company owner all have in common? The insight, experience and wisdom to help each other achieve their personal and company vision. TAB’s Business Owner Advisory Boards expand the thinking of members beyond their particular industry providing out of the box perspectives to spur new ways of doing business. No theories—just practical, real-world, tried and tested solutions and invaluable hands-on experience. Our members consider their board to be the ONLY place they can discuss their business challenges.
TAB works with successful business owners who are tired of wasting time and money from advisors and consultants and who feel that their current practices are not elevating their businesses to the next level. We bring together CEOs, owners and presidents of non-competing companies to meet in groups of 8 – 12 members for one morning a month in a relaxed, confidential setting to discuss issues and opportunities.
Each board has 100 to 250 years of business experience. Members receive solid insight and practical advice that they can apply immediately to the challenges they face. Owners and CEOs who join TAB get to work on their business instead of in it and the board is both an invaluable advisory resource and a peer group that demands accountability.
Warwick Taylor
Owner | The Alternative Board – Northland