Uber Group

Phone: (09) 4385472
Mobile: 0274391570
Email: pauline.rose@uber.co.nz
Address: 53 Port Rd, Whangarei
Website: www.uber.co.nz

Uber Group is a limited liability company based in Whangarei, Northland. It has been in operation since 2003 when it was established to provide wireless broadband services to remote Northland communities. It now provides both wireless and fibre broadband services (including phone) to well over 1,000 residential and business customers in Northland.

Its key features are the speed and reliability of its broadband services; competitive monthly pricing and installation fees; high end technology which minimises customer faults; and the use of locally-based staff and contractors.

Uber owns and runs its own wireless network which opened the way for high-speed, reliable internet services through the rugged, previously underserved communities of Northland’s rural areas where the larger telecommunication companies had been unable to provide service.
Uber Group’s wireless broadband now covers around 80% of the land area of Northland, from Snells Beach and Warkworth right up to Te Kao in the north.

Uber is also a Northpower authorised reseller for fibre broadband in Whangarei.

Phone is offered free as part of the wireless and fibre packages, and includes free local calling and cost-effective national and international calling rates.

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