WDC News release – Mill Road roadworks starting on Monday (March 9)

News releaseMill Road roadworks starting on Monday (March 9)


Council is starting road repairs on Mill Road next week (March 9).

The $2 million roading project will start with kerb, channel, and drainage improvements as well as new footpaths, on the section of Mill Road between Brighton Road and Whareora Road.

This is expected to take three months and once complete work will begin on the section of Mill Road between Nixon St and the Bank St/Manse St intersection.

Traffic will still be able to travel in both directions during the road works, however there will still be some delays as traffic management and a 30km speed limit will be in in place.

Drivers should consider using alternative routes or allow for extra time to complete their journey.

“Some service relocations and road crossings will be done at night to minimise disruption to drivers but the majority of the work needs to be done in daylight because of its complexity and the close proximity of residents to the road,” says Whangarei District Council Capital Works and Procurement Manager Greg Monteith.

“The Mill Road roading project is a significant investment on one of the main arterial routes into the city. We are also taking the opportunity to renew old infrastructure, future proofing the road, ready to serve us well for the next 25 years.” says Mr Monteith.

Mr Monteith says rebuilding and resealing the road is scheduled for the later part of the year.


Mill Road Roading Project Timeline (weather dependent)


  • Stage 1 – Kerb, channel and footpath replacement and drainage improvements between Brighton Road and Whareora Road.  The work is expected to take three months to complete. March through to June.
  • Stage 2 – Kerb, channel and footpath replacement and drainage improvements between Mill Road/Nixon Street intersection and Bank Street/Manse Street intersection. The work is expected to take two months to complete. June through to August
  • Stage 3 – Rebuilding and sealing of the road between Brighton Road and Whareora Road. This work is expected to take around six weeks to complete. September and October.
  • Stage 4 – Rebuilding and sealing of the road between Mill Road/Nixon Street intersection and Bank Street/Manse Street intersection. This work is expected to take around seven weeks to complete during October and November.




Katy Davidson

Team Leader Communications Operations | Communications

Whangarei District Council | Forum North | Private Bag 9023, Whangarei 0148 | www.wdc.govt.nz

P 09 430 4200 | DDI 09 470 3075 | M 021 715 121 | E katy.davidson@wdc.govt.nz

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