GT Advantage

Phone: (09)4701820
Mobile: 021 278 9992
Address: 169 Dip Road, RD6, Whangarei

Ken has advised and supported well over 50 of Northland’s best SME businesses over the past decade – firstly when acting in an economic development role for Enterprise Northland (now Northland Inc) – then for several years as the northland office of  Advantage Business, and now as GT Advantage.

GT Advantage works ‘up close and personal’ with good owner-operators and their teams, and the strong relationships that result often continue on for several years.

GT Advantage takes a ‘whole of business’ approach, with a particular emphasis on:

  • Effective change management for companies
  • Team Performance and Culture
  • Frontline Leadership development for key people
  • Good Governance
  • Recruitment (of General Managers, Operations Managers, Administration Managers, Trades staff)
  • Creation and implementation of practical business plans and strategies

The processes are powerful and proven, and the engagement of your key people throughout is not only a catalyst for positive change in your team culture, but is actually a serious dose of fun.

There is nothing GT Advantage enjoys more than getting directly involved alongside passionate and driven business owners and their teams.

Give Ken a call on 0212789992, or email

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