Whangarei Passenger Services

Phone: 09 438 6005

Email: office@whangareibus.co.nz
Address: 18 Te Waiiti Place, Whangarei

Website: www.whangareibus.co.nz

Whangarei Passenger Services caters for individual or group passenger transport in Whangarei and beyond.
Our fleet of late model quality vehicles and our team of friendly, professionally trained drivers caters to your specific transport needs.
The WPS Airport Shuttle meets all flights at Whangarei Airport – no need to book as the shuttle is situated at the front door of the Airport.  Or make a quick phone call to arrange your transport to the Airport.
Book-a-Ride – a quality alternative to taxis,  providing late model sedans or mini-coaches operating to your timetable, not ours, with prompt, friendly service.
Book-a-Trip – we operate a fleet of luxury coaches to meet every requirement.  Food and Wine Trips, Social Outings, Sporting Groups, Auckland Airport or Cruise Ship Transfers are just some services we provide.
The WPS Travel Club offers regular outings each month – check our website to join.
Total Mobility Vehicles with wheelchair facilities and trained assistance are also available for those with lessened mobility.
Whangarei Passenger Services is locally owned and in its 20th year of operation.  You can be assured of prompt, professional service from a friendly qualified team of drivers and support staff, delivered in true blue Northland spirit.

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