Energy Use Research

Energy Use Research
Energy is becoming an expensive resource and many organisations are measuring and monitoring energy consumption to reduce expenses and the impact on the environment. Through previous research in this area it would seem that businesses in New Zealand are careful with energy use but more data is needed to prove this. The following short survey being carried out throughout the country examines energy use, efficiency measures and attitudes.
This research is part of a larger project called “Energy Cultures” which explores energy use in households, business and transport. We, a group of researchers from the University of Otago, are funded through MBIE to complete work in this area and provide advice to the Government on aspects of energy savings.
Participating involves completing an online survey that should take about 10 minutes. In return you will go into a draw for an iPad Mini. Plus, the results will be benchmarked so that you can see your energy consumption against a similar business and the final report on energy in business in New Zealand will be made available to all participants.
Here is the link to participate in the survey

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