Regional Economic Activity Report 2014
18 Jun, 2014
2014 Regional Activity Report The Regional Economic Activity Report presents comprehensive economic data on New Zealand’s 16 regions. The report, which is released annually, also identifies specific initiatives under way in each region through the Government’s Business Growth Agenda. It highlights the strengths and challenges each region faces and is a useful tool to support planning at all […]
MBIE 2014 Regional Economic Activity Report
09 Jun, 2014
2014 Regional Economic Activity Report releasedThe Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s latest report on regional economies has been released today – with a new interactive web tool.The published 2014 Regional Economic Activity Report brings together a comprehensive set of economic data on New Zealand’s 16 regions in one […]
Budget to ‘drive real growth’
20 May, 2014
Tony Collins says the Budget is a boost for business. Last week’s Budget will open opportunities and increase confidence for Northland businesses, regional Chamber of Commerce boss Tony Collins says. Mr Collins said Finance Minister Bill Englishs sixth Budget on Thursday gave positive promise for commerce and business and shows […]
Digital Journey – start your journey now
08 May, 2014
Digital technologies are advancing at a rapid pace, changing the way we communicate and altering consumer behaviour. Adopting new technologies and optimising your online presence can deliver improved productivity across all areas of your business. The Digital Journey assessment guides businesses through four sections covering current digital use and plans […]
UFB a Game Changer for Whangarei
16 Apr, 2014
Tony Collins CEO NZ Chambers of Commerce Northland gives and overview of how UFB will help business.
Energy Use Research
03 Mar, 2014
Energy Use Research Energy is becoming an expensive resource and many organisations are measuring and monitoring energy consumption to reduce expenses and the impact on the environment. Through previous research in this area it would seem that businesses in New Zealand are careful with energy use but more data is […]
Local Government Reform Submission
20 Feb, 2014
Feel free if you agree, to use any part of our submission to put in your own submission – Submissions close tomorrow Friday 21st February 2014 Submission to: Local Government Commission Submission regarding: Draft Proposal for Reorganisation of Local Government in Northland Submission by: The Chamber of Commerce and Industry […]
Westpac offer to Chamber members
19 Feb, 2014
Westpac has developed a range of preferential merchant and terminal deals in partnership with your local Chamber of Commerce. These special deals are aimed at giving you the best value across your merchant and EFTPOS terminal business. Westpac EFTPOS & Merchant Solutions 1. You could benefit from cheaper credit card processing 1.85% Face […]
Chamber Facebook Page
07 Feb, 2014
Like us on Facebook, make suggestions about how we can help you and your business Find out what’s happening around Northland Click here
Business Mentors New Zealand
03 Feb, 2014
Business Mentors New Zealand can help in the following ways: Independent, impartial suggestions. Peace of mind, increased confidence, a fresh perspective, inspiration or simply a sounding board to bounce ideas off for growing your business. Assistance to implement improvements, support which is not often available after attending a business course […]
Advocate Article
29 Jan, 2014
ADVOCATE COLUMN 4th WEEK JANUARY 2014 After several financially difficult years for many New Zealanders it makes a pleasant change to start a new year on a positive note with many commentators predicting our national economy to perform better in 2014 than it has done for many years. While obviously […]